

Delay issue Will your approach has higher latency? First, DDS needs to buffer frames at the camera since DDS encodes the video into video segments. So DDS has higher response delay than those methods that do not buffer frames at the camera, like camera-side heuristics. However, when we compare DDS with other baselines, we find that DDS generat...

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Dds video, slides and scripts for 10 Minutes video

Here is the video for the talk and here is the slides. Below are the scripts. 1. Lead-in Hi. Today I am going to present the paper “Server-Driven Video Streaming for Deep Learning Inference”. I am Kuntai Du, a first-year Ph.D. student from University of Chicago. This is a joint work with google brain. After this ten-minutes talk, you will be...

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Example on how to make good slides

Let me take RetroTurbo as a starting point as making slides (The author Yue Wu is my friend, so :smirk:). Let’s take a look at this slide: How will people LOOK this slides? Take myself as an example. I will first attracted by the red and blue things down below. And then realize that the text is above the figure and should be looked first. An...

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Essential oil recipe

Just wanna collect some good essential oil recipes here. Will keep on updating. Recipe from Reddit Citrus-related EO recipes

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Video, slides and scripts for DDS

Here is the video of my talk. Subtitle included in the video. Here is the slides of my talk. Below is my scripts. 1. Lead-in Hello, everyone. Today I am going to present the paper “Server-Driven Video Streaming for Deep Learning Inference”. I am Kuntai Du, a first-year Ph.D. student from University of Chicago. This is a joint work with goo...

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PhD是夹在学生和社会之间的一类群体。被裹挟在其中的我,在这短短一年内就尝到了不少从前没有尝到过的滋味。一年前的我也许根本不知道,被他人看到,理解甚至赞同,是一件需要付出多少努力的事。在research的过程中,也许只有一半的时间在做实验,剩下的一半时间(甚至更多)要花在如何让叙述变得线性,如何用故事吸引人,如何呈现结果。 然而,在后者花费精力所带来的疲劳和在前者花费精力所带来的辛苦的感觉是完全不一样的。在后者身上所遇到的问题,经常是拷问。拷问你想说的东西是在别人看来有价值的么?拷问你所表达的价值的方式是否正确(好的价值表述一般都有攻击性。为了让有攻击性的价值被人接受,要在写作上付出巨大的努力)?拷问你想说的东西是scientific的么(比如一个没有被论据所支撑的假说除非绝对必要否...

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Overview on video analytics

Here is a small literature review with a focus on video analytic system for inference rather than training. System works Year 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SIGCOMM       AWStream, Chameleon   DDS, Reducto   MLSys ...

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今天芝加哥是个阴天。 我一向喜欢阴天。不同于晴天的那种刺眼的日光,泾渭分明的颜色,没有遮掩的远景,在阴天下,一切的颜色都被蒙上了灰色。在这种灰色下,天空的蓝,树木的绿,建筑的米黄便不再自顾自的彰显自己,而是融合成为了一种调子。这个调子饱和度低,色温却高,像是那种黑白却并不老的照片,在弥漫着消了色彩的忧伤的同时却用最原始的黑白对比彰显自己的锋利。 看着这一片灰蒙蒙的的景色的时候,脑海里面不由得浮现出了各种各样的诗句。什么薄雾浓云愁永昼,什么黑云压城城欲摧,什么鱼翻藻鉴,鹭点烟汀,什么拣尽寒枝不肯栖。不一会,脑海里面又浮现出了各种各样的歌词,什么原谅把你带走的雨天,什么让所有思绪都一点一点沉淀,什么大雨将至满地潮湿,什么暗想从前阴雨天。脑海里面像个跑马灯,各种纷乱的语句和意向像是意识流...

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