Dance while having lunch
It’s really boring to stay at home due to COVID-19. So I had a lunch with my friends at Independence Day. My friends want me to dance, so…
Small tips on plotting figures in research paper through matplotlib
Small tips
Use matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 to avoid the syntax checker of your conference complains about the font
Add grids for 2d graphs
Stick to the same toolchain (due to COVID-19, I have to switch the toolchain and spend tons of my time to align the new figures with original figures
Read the submission guide carefully...
4 tips on plotting figures in research paper
Why you may need these tips?
Let’s take AWStream as an example:
And this is one similiar figure from DDS:
which one would you like better?
Also, this is one of the figure from EAAR:
And this is one similiar figure from DDS:
which one would you like better?
In general, well-designed figures will bring extra benefits. It can deliver...
性爱自修室(sex education)。这个名字乍看起来颇有过于直白之嫌。我等中国人从古时候开始的文化基因就是间接和委婉。比如什么明明是求爱,却偏要说“春风将至,最易鸿雁传书”;明明是对志意不得舒展,却偏偏要师从屈原的香草美人那一套,来一个“美人如花隔云端”。更别提性了。
Our RetroI2V to MobiCom!
Our paper
Renovating Road Signs for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Networking: A Visible Light Backscatter Communication and Networking Approach has been accepted to MobiCom! Congrats!
This project was initiated based on PassiveVLC, which applies backscatter communication to visible light (literally a long long time ago). The key idea of this proje...
33 post articles, 5 pages.